The firm FRATANTONI, DIEZ & Asociados, was founded in October 1991, supported by its founders prior clientele. Since then the profession and corporate consulting service have been exercised on a permanent basis, both in Argentina and in the Mercosur countries.
Our objective is to render personalized professional consultancy to the organizations in all the Company's areas, thus facilitating customers the optimal use of their resources thoroughly.
This professional consultancy shall never set aside the objectives aimed at by the corresponding responsible persons, according to strategic and business trends reasons, to maximize efficiency, subject to the limits imposed in each case.
Our consultancy shall be biased from the general interpretations, tailored to the specific requirements of each organization.
In our firm, our partners have developed their professional tasks, either before the creation of this Company or in its course, as follows:
- Tax Consultancy
- Social Security Consultancy
- Accounting and Accounting Audits
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Integral Audits in the corporate acquiring process
- Operative Audits and management control
- Entrepreneurial development
- Investment projects
- Entrepreneurial Management
- Consultancy: Consulting, Technology, Outsourcing.
- Trusteeship
It should be noted that the Firm's partners are being trained permanently, and they are updated on the incessant news and changes in aspects such as accounting, taxing, and business management.
The Company presently includes 22 persons, distributed as follows: 4 partners, 10 professionals and 8 assistants.
There is additionally a permanent independent interdisciplinary staff of professionals, called to perform any task in particular if so required.
Since more than two decades ago we have been working with our customers (as their strategic allies) in the corporate change and development processes, to improve the corporate performance in the different business areas and divisions.
Our mission as consultants is to meet their needs and interest, make them become successful through services facilitating an uninterrupted search and improvement of their organization's competition.
Our efforts are aimed at designing and implementing innovative solutions, tailored to their expectations.